Macromedia Library


Information about the library, borrowing and registration can be found here.

General information
Physical Collections

You can use the Macromedia Library Catalogue to search the book holdings of your local library.

You can reserve, renew or order books via your user account.

More info and tutorials
Digital Collections & Resources

The Macromedia Library offers a wide range of digital media. Search our licensed databases with the Macromedia Catalog.

Additionally, we offer access to the statistics portal Statista.

At Macromedia Publications, you can search for publications from Macromedia University.

More info and tutorials

At the campus libraries, you can view books (reference literature) and borrow books (lending literature).

Please find the opening hours of the campus libraries and information about other libraries here:

to locations

The most frequently asked questions can also be found under Services.


Online research training

Access the next research Training in English here.


Thursday 30th of january 2024: 1 pm – 1:40 pm



If you have any questions regarding the Macromedia Library or library-related topics, please feel free to contact us at any time via

Alternatively, you can book an appointment for an online consultation.