Locations Hamburg

Opening hours

The library is closed during the semester break. If you want to check out or bring back books, please ask the service desk.

The library offers a self check-out, that is available from monday to friday from 09 am to 4 pm. In order to get help and assistance, visit us during the Service Hours on monday or tuesday between 11 am and 4 pm.


The library is located in room 347 (building 3). From the main entrance in building 3 go to the left behind the Student Service Desk. The library is the first room on the right side.

More libraries in Hamburg

The Hamburg State and University Library Carl von Ossietzky (Stabi) is Hamburg’s largest general academic library and at the same time the central library of the University of Hamburg and the city’s other universities. It provides literature and information for science, culture, the press, business and administration. It fulfils the tasks of a state and archive library for the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Together with the libraries of the University of Hamburg  and the Central Medical Library of the UKE, it forms the University of Hamburg library system.

The State and University Library is the largest library in the region with a collection of over 3.5 million books and around 5,600 current journals and 73,500 e-journals.
The library offers more than 900 user workstations and is open more than 5000 hours a year on 349 days. Over 3000 visitors come to the Stabi every day. The reading rooms have almost half a million visitors a year. Every year, around 52,000 users place one million orders and renewals.
Interlibrary loan: Around 40,000 volumes are delivered to other libraries every year and 15,000 volumes are requested for our readers.

Information on registration can be found here. The user card also entitles you to use the library of the TU Hamburg and the specialised libraries of the HAW Hamburg.

SUB Hamburg

Business administration, economics and business practice: The ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW) – is the world’s largest library for economics. It houses around 4 million media units and provides access to millions of online economic documents. The ZBW also supports you in your search for economic information on site and online.

  • EconBiz subject portal
  • Publication server EconStor
  • Online enquiry service EconDesk
  • Publisher of the journals Wirtschaftsdienst and Intereconomics

Information on registration can be found here. The library is also only a 15-minute walk from Macromedia.

Library of the ZBW Hamburg

The University Information and Library Service (HIBS) has the task of providing students and employees of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences with electronic and printed information as well as offering students a place to study.
The libraries are open to the public. In the five specialised libraries of the HIBS (Design, Life Sciences, Social Work & Nursing as well as Technology, Business and Information 1 and 2) you will find

  • approx. 200,000 print media
  • numerous e-books and e-journals
  • Subject-related databases
  • DIN standards Infopoint
  • Study rooms and internet workstations for students
  • Self-checkout (RFID)
  • book scanner
  • Competent specialist advice (incl. training, guided tours and research)

Information on registration can be found here. By paying the membership fee (annual or monthly fee) at the Hochschulinformations- und Bibliotheksscervice (HIBS), you are also entitled to borrow media free of charge for the same period in the following academic libraries in Hamburg (you may need a library card from the respective library):

Library of HAW-Hamburg

The Library of Commerce of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce has been a public library since it was founded in 1735. It offers up-to-date media on the topics of law, taxes, business start-ups, management, business administration, economics and much more. Historical business literature dating back to the 15th century can also be found here.

  • Over 160 current journals
  • Databases (Wiso, Statista, Ebsco, Kompass) and e-books
  • Historical business literature
  • WLAN and Internet workstations
  • Book scanner and photocopier
  • Soundproofed group room
  • Personal and telephone research advice

Information on registration can be found here. Please note that the information is only available in German, but you will find contact information on the same page so that you can contact the library for further information at any time.

Library of Commerce

The University Library (tub.) provides teachers, students and researchers at the TUHH with information in engineering, natural sciences and economics. Its digital infrastructure services support the openness of learning, teaching and research at the TUHH (Open Access, Open Science and Open Education). As the region’s specialised technical library, the tub. is open to all other customers beyond the TUHH.

  • Stock of approx. 470,000 media
  • Digital books and journals as well as subject-related databases
  • DIN standards for viewing
  • Workstations (eduroam) and study rooms
  • Advice, information and workshops
  • Self-checkout (RFID)

Information on registration can be found here. Information on the fees can be found here.

University Library of TU Hamburg

The Hamburg Library Guide of the Hamburg State and University Library provides an overview of academic and special libraries. Please note that this site is only available in German.

Hamburg Library Guide
